Oh no! The train is out of control! The only thing you and your fellow engineers can do is take all this spare track that’s in the back of the locomotive for some reason and lay it as fast as you can! Tiny Trainwrecks is a frantic co-op game of…
Welcome back! If you haven’t read Part 1 of how to play Happy Daggers, you should go ahead and do that now. Otherwise, this part is going to get really confusing! So remember last time when I said there were five Attack and five Defense cards? That’s not quite true.…
If you’re reading this, you’ve probably seen the boxart for Happy Daggers! It’ll be out on The Game Crafter within a few weeks, and our first convention appearance with it in tow will be at GX3 in December. “But wait, Jeremy, what is Happy Daggers even about? How do I…